You are SEXY. Yes, you. A blog on being sexy & ENTICING.


Okay, heres the thing - and you can probably relate to this story.

I remember back in college, when i worked out a lot - and I lost all this weight.

And I felt SEXY. POWERFUL. IN CONTROL. And I loved that feeling!

And then! I got married…had kids. And had to go through a whole new transition of wow….who am I really? I didn’t understand this body I now saw in front of me. And this new role. No longer was it just ME. Taking care of me, and enjoying life.

I had a tiny human to care for. And a hubby that needed my care and love as well - and I had no flipping idea how to give it to them. I didn't feel like myself. And I lost myself in a jumble of who I thought I was supposed to be…for others.

Fast FORWARD a few years.

I feel more sexy, powerful and in control - than I've ever been.


And no…I'm not super tiny anymore. And who GIVES A FLYING FUCK.

What helped me…is being my true, authentic version of myself. I do what I want, when I want, and I check how it makes me feel on the inside. I want to follow MY OWN voice - and my own path. And just keep going down that line. Almost like I'm floating. I'm just floating through my happiness, and my path.

And I know that makes me sexy, and enticing. Because I am authentically 1000000% me.

And there are few things more enticing, and powerful hypnotic than someone who is truly them.

Suddenly - it's not about having perfect blond hair, tan skinned, 5,10 with washboard abs lol. It's about being so sexy and full of your own thoughts, and your own happiness, and your own free will. And how your whole body and being vibrates when you're doing something fun, that you love. That MAKES YOU FEEL ALIVE.

IF our days our numbered. - our biggest goal should being FEELING ALIVE - as much as possible. because, that's truly living, right?

For so long, we let the media control our perception of “happy.” And that is literally - history. We've gone from thinking corsets is the sexiest thing, to people in China thinking they should bind their feet, so they can be tiny and precious. Some think pale skin is in. Others ONLY like dark, chocolate moca.

What I've learned is -


And that is the GOOD news. YOU are NOT for everybody! You…are not HERE for ANYbody! BUT YOU!

You are a beautiful, joyous soul HERE - having a human experience!

You are here to be alive, and be the purest, most REAL expression of YOU!

So do whatever the hell you want, wear whatever the f*ck you want…and BE YOU. That's what the world truly needs. People who are on fire, and alive with who they are & their mission in life.

People who are so IN LOVE and happy with themselves! Joy..happiness…pride…satisfaction…..wholeness - these are some of the most POWERFUL energies on the planet.

So what on God's green earth do we walk around like ˜* oh no, im 2 fat, i need 2 lose weight. im not good enough. she's better than me. im not that great. im okay.˜˜* So sad, and self-loathing!

What the fudge! NO! You are a miraculous MIRACLE of a human. And no one will ever be 100% like you! You are the authentic, real deal.

And realizing - that you're NOT HERE to compete with anyone. IT's so hard in the culture, because we're used to comparing. Looking at other people. Cute or not. This or that. Swipe left or right for if she's cute or nah on Tinder.

The most powerful thing you can realize is : You don't have to be PRETTY like HER - you get to be PRETTY LIKE YOU.

I want to make that a movement #PRETTYLIKEYOU.

Literally so it can teach us to look to ourselves. It's not about others. You can appreciate someone else's greatness without questioning your own. It's like comparing roses to dandelions. They are both so different. But so freaking beautiful. EACH.

And you too.

Yes - that girl, is gorgeous. She's pretty. But bish, SO ARE YOU!

And it's not about all about LOOKS - it's about ESSENCE!

We've all liked a dude who "technically” wasn't that “cute”- but there was just SOMETHING about HIM! And you couldn’t get enough! xoxo

The essence of you is beautiful, and sexy. And not only do we SEE that - we feel it. It's in the way you talk, walk, the way your eyes light up when you're talking about something you love. The way you get feisty when you're upset. The way you live your life…is so beautiful, lovely and enticing.

YOU hold space.

You hold YOUR OWN space!

Just imagine yourself as your own FREAKING planet! And things just revolving around you. Love, light, energy, fun, vibrant! All the good things - and things you love.

That's how I see you. That's how you should feel. Happy and holding your own space.

The quote: stay in your own lane xo

is not to say - get out of my business.

IT's to say…we literally all have our own lane. Like a float in a parade. And you get to decorate yours with flowers, love, energy, fun things, gummies, stuff you love and makes you happy.


Stay in your lane. Be beautiful like YOU. And realize - it's not all about looks - it's about essence.


So the most important thing is to learn how to be the most raw, beautiful expression of who you truly are.

Because that's where your power, magic, and air comes from xoxo

YOU are SEXY. Hold your own space & stay in your OWN beautiful lane xoox

Fatima Pulley